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For Families & Prospective Students

Parris Beach

Career Services Overview

Career Services is an important part of student life at Swarthmore. We offer individualized attention to students who seek jobs, career direction, guidance to select a major, internships, or entrance into graduate school. Students can drop by our office with quick questions or to have a resume reviewed by trained Career Peer Advisors. In-depth appointments with a Career Counselor are typically available the next day so students don't miss application deadlines or fail to prepare for an interview.  Swarthmore students have a fascinating range of career interests and our staff have expertise in a variety of fields so we can help students develop action plans and contacts.

Career Counseling

Appointments with Career Counselors provide students in-depth assistance with clarifying career direction or determining occupations of interest. Additionally, career assessments are available after an initial meeting. Career Counselors offer assistance with career planning and developing your job and internship search strategies. Career Counselors and Career Peer Advisors will review the content and presentation of resumes and cover letters. We offer a wide range of assistance in preparing for interviews, including mock interviews. We also assist with applications to graduate school when applicable.

Workshops and Events

Programs and workshops to assist with career planning, developing job and internship search skills, networking and applying for graduate school are offered regularly.  We always have events and programs scheduled to help students make good career decisions and prepare for life after Swarthmore. We integrate our alumni mentors into a wide array of our career programming to help students learn about a diverse array of careers.